

Dr. 玫瑰Bellanca
Dr. Bellanca

现在是她担任总统的第二个十年. 玫瑰B. Bellanca Ed.D.,继续拥抱 领导华盛顿社区学院的机会, 国家认可的机构 提供优秀的课程和学生的bt365体育官网.

During a recent international symposium on transportation mobility, 总统 Bellanca shared that in this warped-speed changing world, standing still is not an option: “If we stand still, we fail,” she told industry, business and academic leaders in 出席.

Dr. Bellanca的 remarks opened day two of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) Annual CCAT (Center for Connected and Automated Transportation) 全球研讨会. bt365体育官网是CCAT团队中唯一的社区学院,加入了 University of Michigan, Purdue University, the University of Illinois, the University 阿克伦大学和俄亥俄州中央州立大学的教授.

在全国大学入学人数不断下降的时候,在奥巴马的领导下. Bellanca的 leadership, bt365体育官网 has implemented numerous innovations in teaching and student services 在国际大流行期间稳定地留住和吸引学生.

华盛顿社区学院,位于密歇根州安娜堡. 地理上也只有几个 short miles from the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University, serves 每年有2万多名学生.

Dr. Bellanca oversees a campus with nearly 1,500 full and part-time employees and 谁的设施每年接待超过10万名游客. bt365体育官网是一个真正的“社区” 大学.

In March 2020, nearly 78 percent of Washtenaw County voters approved a 10-year, $175 百万英里的更新,说明社区对bt365体育官网的支持. 这是相信的 成为该学院55年以来投赞成票比例最高的一次. 2016年,在 博士第五年. 在贝兰卡任期内,县选民批准了另一项大型行动 米勒的支持率为70%.

在博士. Bellanca的 leadership, bt365体育官网 has been awarded more than $30 million in grants 通过密歇根州,美国国家科学基金会,美国.S. 部门 劳动,你.S. 美国教育部和美国.S. 运输部.

Dr. Bellanca has always responded proactively to challenges in higher education. 这 includes leading the 大学’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic --quickly adapting 大学 programs and services for delivery in an online environment -- to protect bt365体育官网教职员工的健康和安全.

In the space of one long weekend in March 2020, only days after the successful millage vote, bt365体育官网 closed campus and moved to mostly online classes to “keep learning alive.” Through her leadership, bt365体育官网 was more prepared for the transition because it had been offering and growing student enrollment through virtual formats for nearly 10 years.

In 2020, bt365体育官网 was named the top community 大学 in Michigan for distance learning 平价大学在线. 此外,bt365体育官网获得了第一名的排名 密歇根州最好的社区大学.com. 最近,MSN.com报道 that Washtenaw Community 大学 was rated the best community 大学 in Michigan.

在博士的领导下,bt365体育官网取得bt365体育官网的一个支柱. 贝兰卡是它的负担能力. 2021年4月, the 大学’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved a tuition freeze for in-county 学生连续第四年. 在2021-22学年,学费将上涨 remain at $95 per credit hour for in-district on- campus students and $108 per credit 在线学生一小时.

In addition to keeping the 大学 affordable, another pillar in the 大学’s mission 是否提供了良好的教育机会.

In just the last year, bt365体育官网 was designated a National Center of Academic Excellence 在网络防御教育由美国.S. 国家安全局(NSA)和部门 国土安全部(DHS). 该学院目前开设了6门网络安全课程 in what has become one of the most important educational programs offered today. 网络安全 training at bt365体育官网 prepares students for careers in cybersecurity with both degrees and 非信贷选项.

另一个衡量bt365体育官网bt365体育官网的标准是. 贝兰卡的领导能力是它的转会记录. Nearly 70 percent of bt365体育官网 students transfer to four-year 大学s and universities 完成学士学位. 密歇根没有其他大学能接近 bt365体育官网送学生去密歇根大学.

作为一名前瞻性的思想家. 贝兰卡已经定位学院,以满足学生的需求 global workforce, developing new curricula and programs related to jobs in mobility, 智能交通系统和技术行业.

Students who have taken courses through the 大学’s Advanced Transportation Center have landed important and fulfilling jobs at research centers operated by GM, Ford, 丰田和其他公司.

Dr. Bellanca frequently participates in panels and at conferences on behalf of the 大学. She is passionate about student success, access and affordability and serves on multiple national commissions through the American Association of Community 大学s 为了实现这些目标.

Additionally, she chairs the Region 9 Talent Council, which is part of the State of Michigan’s Prosperity Initiative; member of the Executive Committee of Ann Arbor SPARK; board member of the National Commission on Economic and Workforce Development, and member of the Licensure Committee for the American Association of Community 大学s.

She has engaged in numerous media interviews and was named a “Women Who Lead” honoree 新闻/谈话760 WJR电台. 该奖项旨在表彰在 their industries and their communities and for their professional and personal accomplishments.

她特别为学院的基金会感到自豪. 自成立以来 nearly 40 years ago, the bt365体育官网 Foundation has awarded more than 10,000 scholarships 价值超过6美元.200万年. 此外,该基金会还提供了超过1美元.5 million in other educational emergency support, including child care assistance, food 食品储藏室,交通运输基金和课本代金券.

社区大学,你可能会说,在博士. Bellanca DNA. 麦库姆大学的毕业生 Community 大学, she went on to earn bachelors, master’s and Doctor of Education 获得韦恩州立大学学位. 后来,她担任了麦库姆大学的教务长,哈佛大学的校长 诺斯伍德大学西棕榈滩校区的校长. 克莱尔县社区 大学.




The findings and priorities presented in the bt365体育官网 2012-2015 Strategic Plan are the result of a comprehensive examination of forces and factors that will influence the 在可预见的未来,学院的发展. 多种信息来源 were used to frame priorities, including documents and reports describing regional trends; a series of external and internal conversations between November 2011 and February 2012 focused on stakeholder perceptions of the 大学; and interviews with 选择的个体.

查看bt365体育官网的 策略计划摘要.


总统 Bellanca lends her expertise as a valued member of organizations that serve the business and educational communities locally, regionally, and nationally, including:


bt365体育官网 plays a significant role in the local economy and is a sound investment from multiple 视角. 学生受益于生活方式的改善和收入的增加. 纳税人 从更大的经济和更低的社会成本中受益. 最后,把社区作为一个 whole benefits from increased job and investment opportunities, higher business revenues, 公共资金的可用性提高,税收负担减轻.



Detroit 新闻 Story Featuring bt365体育官网's ATC Programs/ "Motor City Grows As Tech Talent 中心”

Dr. 贝兰卡在克雷恩的底特律商业女性领导系列中被介绍过
